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Chief Editor’s Note: When You Feel Your Body Isn’t Good Enough

This issue of BTSB comes out on Valentine’s Day. It’s a day strongly associated with cherishing the relationships one has, whether they’re romantic or platonic. However, I’ve noticed that on this day people often tend to forget another important relationship - the relationship one has with their own body.


The body you have is marvellous. You could, and honestly should, call it a work of art. It contains all the memories you’ve made during your lifetime. Your story is written into every scar, change and modification your body has gone through with you. Every single limb carries a piece of your personal essence; the hands of an artist remember how to hold the paint brush just in the right way, while the legs of a dancer know which way to bend to make the most out of the performance. You have both seen and felt yourself grow with your body. And even if it hasn’t always worked in your favour, it has given you its very best.


How can people forget to thank their own body for working throughout all these years? If one can buy chocolate boxes shaped like hearts on Valentine’s Day, how come they can’t share some of their love with their own skin and bones? If one can set up a date with their lover in the evening, why do they not allow themselves some alone time when the sun rises?


I know the answer to my questions is quite simple when you think about it. Many people have difficulties cherishing themselves. Many people grew up and realised their body ‘wasn’t good enough’. The scars, the changes - everything seemed something to be ashamed of. The work of art turned into something you couldn’t bear yourself to look at. It might have felt completely wrong - like the reflection didn’t match the image in your head - or then it was simply all too much. Everything once wonderful became terrible; the need to celebrate ceased to exist.


You can’t put all the blame on the person though. Many times it’s the society that has given the person all these faulty images. It’s like society itself has become this insecure person, who begins bullying others whenever they feel someone doesn’t meet their expectations. It makes me sad that we can’t see the beauty in variety. The fields have many different flowers, but we don’t say one is worse than the other. Whether we see roses or daffodils we think they’re beautiful. Their differences don't matter to us, and that is the way we should also view people.


It may take a long time to love your body again, and that is okay. The gap which you have to step over is huge. In reality, it’s a mess filled with many conflicting thoughts and emotions, and some things can seem impossible to get past. The important thing however is that you try; you try your best and are prepared to do it all again. Reserve some quality time just for yourself this Valentine’s Day, or at least soon after. Ponder about all the changes your body has gone through and allow yourself to feel gratitude. Wear that outfit for your date and eat the extra chocolate yourself. Be kind to yourself, because no one else can carry you the rest of the way.


This first issue of the year 2023 celebrates all the feelings related to the Day of Love. Sini offers us a riveting, modern re-telling of one of the famous scenes from Jane Austen’s Persuasion. Emilia on the other hand has gathered the most shocking revelations from the memoir of Prince Harry which are sure to make you both laugh and gasp out loud. Robi gives us some thoughts about insecurity in relationships and last, but not at all least, Minja makes her debut with a couple of captivating poems.


From the bottom of our hearts, we hope that you, dear reader, enjoy this issue of BTSB!