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A Humanist’s Search for a Job

As my Master’s Degree studies are coming to their end, I find myself continuously searching for jobs and internships – or at the very least ruminating over my lack of one. As an attempt to create something out of this bottomless well of misery and anguish, I decided to journal my endeavors. May they be of help – or warning – to all those following in my footsteps. I’m still currently studying, which excludes me from full-time jobs but internships (that I could include in my degree) or part-time jobs as well as summer jobs are all desirable in my desperate eyes. Though I’m an English major, I have no intention of becoming a teacher (making my job hunt that much more difficult). I do, however, wish to dabble in translation, media, writing, and/or publishing. These are all fields that are, in my experience, intertwined and they all entice me in their own ways. In this series (which will hopefully end in my getting hired), I will chronicle every step of my search within these industries, whether I succeed or fail.

Let us begin.

btsb job hunt

27.11. Application for Internship support

I applied for internship support from the university for the second time during my Master’s Degree. I didn’t get it the previous year but maybe this time I’ll get lucky.

9.12. Response about Internship support

And, again, I didn’t receive the internship support. This continues to boggle my mind since I’m missing only two Psychology (my minor) courses, my thesis (which is two thirds done), and my internship (which is precisely why I need the support). An enchantingly blunt email, which was sent to all applicants, detailed how out of all English students only three received the money. Some subjects in the Department of Modern Languages received a big fat zero. And we are the lucky ones who don’t have to face many of the cuts aimed at the university students.

6.12. Application for a Job as a STT24h Journalist

Applied for a summer job at the 24-hour news for STT. I’ve never done news reporting (outside of class assignments) but I’m hoping my writing experience will be extensive enough to cover for that. I have written for three magazines regularly, after all. And done some freelancing.

15.1. Applications to LetterboxMediat and Iltalehti

Today I applied for both part-time work as a writer for local magazines owned by LetterboxMediat as well as for part-time work as a multimedia journalist for Iltalehti. I’m pretty sure I’ve applied to both jobs about three years in a row. I should be a pro at this already.

16.1. Updated My Information for TE Services

I finally remember to post my updated CV to the free CV-net service on the TE website. Just in case someone goes through them in the hopes of finding an eager English student who wants to do social media, translation, and writing. Fingers crossed.

17.1. Application to Nunuco Design Company

Today I sent my application for a remote social media internship at a small stationery company, which has the cutest products. I’d really, really love to work for them. I even do social media for two student magazines so this doesn’t even seem like such a stretch.


18.1. Applications to Tammi, Maanmittauslaitos, Avain, Otava, Gummerus, and Like

I emailed an old contact about a possible summer job or an internship in publishing at Tammi. I received a reply immediately saying that the particular department didn’t have vacancies at the moment but that my CV would be circulated there just in case. I wish I had more contacts. Seems like that’s what you need to get ahead.

I also applied for a communications summer intern position at Maanmittauslaitos. I didn’t feel like I was fully qualified due to their specific requirement for a communications degree but applied anyway. As a proactive step, I also sent open applications to Avain, Otava, Gummerus, and Like’s general email about possible publishing internships or jobs. Taking charge.

25.1. Response from Like, Request from Lukufiilis, and Contact to WSOY

I received a polite “not this time” email from Like publishing house. Feels familiar.

On a more positive note, I received an email from a literature magazine, where I worked at until last December, asking permission to repost an article on their new website.

In other news, WSOY followed me on Twitter and since I had planned on emailing them an open application anyway, I ended up sending them a DM about possible job vacancies in their publishing house.

Lukufiilis Uudelleenjulkaisu

26.1. Response from LetterboxMediat and Applications to ArtHouse, Schildts & Söderströms, Teos, Siltala, and WSOY

Got another polite “no, thank you” email, this time from LetterboxMediat, detailing that they chose someone with more experience.

After swallowing some tears, I sent an open application to ArtHouse’s general email about possible publishing internships or jobs and received a reply a few hours later acknowledging my application. Mad props to companies that tell you they’ve received your inquiry instead of it going straight to spam or trash.

I also sent an open application via email about possible publishing internships or jobs to both Schildts & Söderströms and Teos. And I sent an inquiry through Siltala’s Facebook asking about possible vacancies in their publishing house (there didn’t seem to be a general email address for such a question). After not receiving any reply to my DM on Twitter, I ended up also sending an open application to the children’s literature department of WSOY publishing.

27.1. Response from Arthouse

Final decline from Arthouse publishing. Apparently, one intern from the Finnish department is all they’re taking. Feelings: Wish I studied Finnish. This is getting depressing pretty fast. Look away, readers, lest you be discouraged.

30.1. Application to Suomen Akatemia

I applied for yet another summer communications internship, this time at Suomen Akatemia.

1.2. Reply from Nunuco Design Company

Another declined application. It’s starting to get repetitive.


2.2. Applications to Tilastokeskus, Metsä, and Kiiltomato

I sent an application to Tilastokeskus and Metsä for an internship in communications. I also wrote to Kiiltomato, the sister magazine of the literature quarterly I worked at previously, and asked if they had room for another writer. I received a reply the same evening that said they would love to have me contribute even though sometimes it might be difficult to get assignments due to the volume of people writing for them.

4.2. An Assignment from Kiiltomato and an Application to the Public Works Department

Apparently someone who was supposed to write a book review for Kiiltomato fell ill and I was contacted to write the article instead. It feels wrong to be happy for someone else’s misfortune but I’m thrilled to get back to (paid) writing. I also sent an application for a communications internship (yes, another one) to the city of Helsinki, specifically to the Public Works Department.

17.2. Reply from Gummerus and the Public Works Department

Declined by Gummerus. Who else saw this coming? I know negative attitude is only hurting me further but it’s getting hard to see the bright side. They did say that they’d keep me in mind though. Part two of the rejection train came from the Public Works Department.

1.3. Application to Trafi

After taking a bit of a break from writing job applications and instead focusing on my looming thesis deadline, I sent an application for a – wait for it – summer communications internship at Trafi.

3.3. Reply from Maanmittauslaitos

Yet another declined application, this time from Maanmittauslaitos. I’m starting to get pretty worried that there are no more summer job opportunities out there.


As our deadline for this issue is at hand, I’m forced to look back and figure out what I’ve learned so far. It is tough going through a compilation that recounts rejections from your ideal industry. However, my search is far from over, and I have realized that desperation also brings out some of my better qualities, such as tenacity. I’ve also become quite adept at writing cover letters and tweaking my CV to suit the job (never send the same application to all the potential employees!) Job hunting is a skill you have to hone, just like any other. Unless you have amazing connections, you won’t be nabbing that dream position without putting your best foot forward. Think of it as any entrance exam. You might have to do a preparation course, you will have to practice and practice, you might even fail the first few tries…but with hard work, eventually you will get in. Hopefully!

All photos by Laura Kurki.