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Chief Editor's Note:

Dear reader! Wow, I cannot believe it’s already April! Can you believe it, it’s almost Vappu! It’s also time for our second last issue of this spring, only the summer issue left. We are working to make it the best one yet and provide you with enough reading material to last over the whole summer. This spring has been a particularly exciting one for us BTBS-folks, we’ve tried new features, like podcasting and short stories, and had a totally fabulous Tim Gunnish make-over with our site. But in addition I’m very proud to say that many of my darling editor-colleagues and I have tried writing something new this spring, a new genre or a topic. We believe that trying to get out of your comfort zone is the only way to develop yourself.

Anyway, I hope you have wonderful Easter and a fantastic time with our current issue!

In this issue we have a special treat for you, when two of our features, Jesper’s podcast and Ile’s story continue! Also, Inka has a cool traveling column for us, Zania’s adorable piece will make your heart weep, Esko will inform us about current student politics and Elizabeth introduces the new Thespians Anonymous production along with aspects of writing comedy. Still not enough to satisfy your reading needs? Well, to that I say, check out Laura’s piece on writing online and give a warm welcome to Mia, whose first BTSB article is on postcrossing!

Missing something? Drop us a comment on what you think we should write about or what you think of our webzine!

Best regards,

Kaisa Leino Your friendly neighborhood editor-in-chief