All in Culture

After Everything

It’s a weird era to live in. When the last pandemic hit a few generations ago, everything changed. Of course, this is not in any of the history books. We only hear whispers of the days we cannot even begin to imagine. My grandmother used to tell me how her mother lived quite a different life.

What is Wicca?

Have you ever wondered what Wicca actually is? This article gives an extensive introduction into the history and practices of Wicca while clearing common misconceptions. Read on and find out what these modern witches are all about!


Why are we so pedantic about profanity? It seems that basically everything else is accepted in the media nowadays, but the moment someone uses stronger language than an Amish granny with a broken wagon, everyone loses their minds.

Re-viewed: 3 x A Man Called Ove

The Re-viewed series is dedicated to reviewing cultural products rewatched, relistened or reread, and with this article, the series really lives up to its name; I have seen three versions of the story of A Man Called Ove. But what makes this story different and worth re-experiencing so many times, then?

More Than Just A Game

It was a Saturday not like any other. I looked out my windows, feeling disheartened because of the tiny droplets of rain sliding down my windows and the grey blanket of cloud covering the morning sky. Why was I so bummed about it, you may ask? Could the freezing cold weather possibly be the cause of my sadness?

Re-viewed: Rise And Fall Of The Rocket Man

Pop-star biopics have become a colossal phenomenon in recent years, and it is no surprise that one was made about the 70’s success story Elton John. Rocketman tells the story of a talented child who wasn’t loved by his parents, ending up with serious substance abuse problems and, yet, a reaching-for-the-stars kind of music career.