The doors to the auditorium of the main stage of the Finnish National Theatre are shut one by one, in a consistent order, simultaneously on both sides of the audience. Darkness, so absolute that I cannot see outside of myself, I’m forced to look inwards only. Still dark.

It comes as no surprise that we here at BTSB are smitten with the plethora of weirdly wonderful words that the English language gives us to play with. What better gift can an online publication give to its readers than a list of delicious words?

Nirvana, the supposedly “last great rock band”, with a front man that publicly spoke of his depression, is an easy subject for being made into this icon of negativity and darkness. Yet I think that a lot of the fans of Cobain’s music find his work more multifaceted than it is generally given credit for.

You can’t predict it and you can’t evade it. I hear the slight falter in your voice when you've been thinking on your own and the smile that starts just a second too late. You try to hide it and from the surface I couldn't even notice. Maybe I don’t notice, years pass and still no one knows.

I lived most of my early life thinking that gingerbread is something that cannot be made from scratch at home, and the store-bought mystery dough was all I’d seen of the process. Why had I been kept in the dark about something so simple yet so profound?