There’s something ingrained in us to be forgiving to others and harsh towards the one person we should go the easiest on. And there’s no other place that becomes more apparent than the mental gymnastics of comparative
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There’s something ingrained in us to be forgiving to others and harsh towards the one person we should go the easiest on. And there’s no other place that becomes more apparent than the mental gymnastics of comparative
The internet is a wonderful place, is it not? You can find people with similar interests from all over the world and get really enthusiastic about niche topics. This can also be seen in fandoms and how they express themselves.
Ah, podcasts. Love them or hate them, you cannot deny their impact on our lives. Here are some thoughts Akseli wrote on his own experiences with podcasts.
Positivity can turn toxic very, very fast. Sooner than you’d think. At first, it’s the “everything happens for a reason”, then it’s the “others have it much worse off than I do” and eventually the “let’s not think about that, it doesn’t matter, it’s all in my head, I’m fine”.
Some places just smell like the pages of our books, don’t they? Some of them trigger that “that’s what s/he meant” moment in our lives. Whether through a sudden realization or by actively bringing an author in mind when looking at a landscape, we think of links between what we read and what we see when we are in nature. Read about tourism, literature, and sustainability!