Robi Vuokko

Chief Editor, Webmaster & Treasurer

An English Philology student from Helsinki with a concerning passion for the arts, and more specifically Jane Austen, all things Tolkien and ancient Greece.

I originally picked up creative writing as a way to sort out my feelings but now I write about anything and everything.

I also enjoy reading, making music and watching anime. I’m often wandering around in bookstores and libraries, listening to some music or a podcast. I also study, though not as frequently.

Sara Penttinen

Editor & Secretary

I like to make sense of my overly complicated feelings by writing overly cryptic poetry. I thoroughly enjoy idioms, zeugmas, and words in general and I like to find new ways of making my poems more complicated than they need to be. I think I’m inspired by Taylor Swift’s easter eggs and clues.

Speaking of which, when I’m not writing, I’m most likely listening to Taylor, doing cross stitch (it’s REALLY addicting), listening to podcasts or watching Gilmore Girls for the 100th time. You can also find me on Sub’s board.

Aleksi JakonenEditor & WebmasterEnglish major since 2018. An ambiverted bookworm, so I'm either curious or exhausted of people. Alternating with too much or too little time on my hands, I make use of what creative energy I have to turn over my palm and pour the hours and the minutes on my keyboard for endless writing, fun sidetracks, and Dungeons & Dragons. Occasionally, I study.

Aleksi Jakonen

Editor & Webmaster

English major since 2018. An ambiverted bookworm, so I'm either curious or exhausted of people. Alternating with too much or too little time on my hands, I make use of what creative energy I have to turn over my palm and pour the hours and the minutes on my keyboard for endless writing, fun sidetracks, and Dungeons & Dragons. Occasionally, I study.

Sini Pesonen


I have always loved to read but only recently found the writer within me. Alongside of those activities, I especially enjoy painting, drawing, and knitting in my free time. Different plants are slowly filling up my apartment. As you can tell, I’m quite the homebody – chilling on my couch watching Pride and Prejudice sounds like a wonderful day to me!

Emilia Julmala


I am an English student who loves a good story. Or maybe I am an English student because I love a good story? I certainly have a track record of owning more books on classic English literature than I have storing solutions. When I am not reading, I am creating my own fictitious words or writing articles for this journal with a certain tongue-in-cheek quality that might imply that I don't have a serious bone in my body. That is not true. A century from now when you dig up my burial spot, you will find a multitude of... grave bones. Hehe.

In my free time I also sew, thrift, and exercise my creativity in ways other than putting words on paper.

Annika O’Connor

Former Editor

A current English Master's student, future teacher, self-declared writer and a BTSB multitasker. My academic specialties might be literature and history but in BTSB I tend to engage in semi-coherent rants and rambles full of run-on sentences. I have been known to occasionally drop a creative piece or two as well, or so I've been told. Powered mostly by fantasy, history, video games and anime mixed in with occasional sincerity and permanent spite, I'll never stop doing my best to help grow and support BTSB.

Anceliga Andström

Former Editor

An English major since 2021 !

I've been keen on reading and writing from a very young age and joined BTSB in hopes of both sharing my work with others and finding inspiration. Nowadays I mostly write sappy poetry while listening to lofi beats.

I study a lot and procrastinate even more. I also enjoy travelling, singing and napping.

Henna HouttuEditorLittle bit of a plant lady, little bit of an anime nerd, huge fan of T. rex, always a floor person and debatably quirky. The perfect balance between studying and Netflix without forgetting true crime podcasts. Headphones always on.…

Hela Houttu

Former Editor

Little bit of a plant lady, little bit of an anime nerd, huge fan of T. rex, always a floor person and debatably quirky. The perfect balance between studying and Netflix without forgetting true crime podcasts. Headphones always on. Fresher year model 2019, powered by coffee, tea and dark chocolate, because even breakfasts need a few pieces for dessert.

Anthony HermanEditor & TreasurerI'm in my second year studying English in the University of Helsinki. Creativity has always been a passion of mine, and some of my many outlets for that passion include theater, singing, piano, painting, and most …

Anthony Herman

Former Editor

I'm in my second year studying English in the University of Helsinki. Creativity has always been a passion of mine, and some of my many outlets for that passion include theater, singing, piano, painting, and most of all, writing. I've dreamed of being a writer since the age of nine, and by this point, it's more than just a hopeful career: it's my way of processing reality. I mainly write poetry and prose, and often a mix of the two. I'm also actively pursuing my dreams of working in theater, trying out positions of producer and director on top off the role of writer. While writing is my way of processing reality, theatre is most certainly my escape from it, and I aim to find a healthy balance between the two.

Daniélle AmorimCo-Chief EditorI’ve been with BTSB for a little over five years, doing a little of this and a little of that, but I have now been granted the great privilege and responsibility of being your co-editor-in-chief, which…is only natural as I do look good in a crown. In addition to that I am your friendly local witch with a knack for words. I’m currently working on my masters thesis (title yet to be released), binging on as many real housewives series as I humanly can, and painting the apocalypse away…far, far away. I’ve started to write poetry because the world would probably be better in verse, but I do enjoy scraping together a snappy think-piece every now and then. And to wrap this up, as Chief Editor –I’m not throwing away my shot…unless it’s tequila.

Daniélle Amorim

Former Editor

I’ve been with BTSB for a little over five years, doing a little of this and a little of that. I am your friendly local witch with a knack for words. I’m currently working on my masters thesis (title yet to be released), binging on as many real housewives series as I humanly can, and painting the apocalypse away…far, far away. I’ve started to write poetry because the world would probably be better in verse, but I do enjoy scraping together a snappy think-piece every now and then. And to wrap this up –I’m not throwing away my shot…unless it’s tequila.

Hanna Ojala

Former editor

A geek from Espoo. I have been writing for BTSB for several years and have participated in the making of the magazine as the editor-in-chief, a webmaster and a social media admin. My interests include taking naps and drinking too much coffee. Some more productive interests are writing, art and karate. A crazy cat lady.

Vân Trương (Vesper)Editor“Jill of all trades, master of none” is how I’d describe myself at the moment. I know I am too lazy to say that I always have a thirst for knowledge, but I do enjoy learning new things and skills (except for anything related to maths and physics). This is because I am driven by the need to become a better me. Often guided by emotions, I either read nothing or spend a whole day indulging in a book. One of my most questionable life decisions is playing music on my guitar for hours instead of doing schoolwork.

Vân Trương (Vesper)

Former editor

“Jill of all trades, master of none” is how I’d describe myself at the moment. I know I am too lazy to say that I always have a thirst for knowledge, but I do enjoy learning new things and skills (except for anything related to maths and physics). This is because I am driven by the need to become a better me. Often guided by emotions, I either read nothing or spend a whole day indulging in a book. One of my most questionable life decisions is playing music on my guitar for hours instead of doing schoolwork.

Elina VirvaEditorA professional bookworm, i.e. publishing editor, translator and writer. Nowadays I run my own company and dream of finishing my master’s degree. My days are filled with translating Swedish and English crime novels and correcting other translators’ grammar. I’ve been with BTSB since 2016. Outside of working and petting dogs, I enjoy cooking up new recipes, building IKEA furniture, and hearing the people sing. Check out my BTSB series of movie and play reviews, “Re-viewed”.

Elina Virva

Former editor

A professional bookworm, i.e. publishing editor, translator and writer. Nowadays I run my own company and dream of finishing my master’s degree. My days are filled with translating Swedish and English crime novels and correcting other translators’ grammar. I’ve been with BTSB since 2016. Outside of working and petting dogs, I enjoy cooking up new recipes, building IKEA furniture, and hearing the people sing. Check out my BTSB series of movie and play reviews, “Re-viewed”.

Leonardo ChinchillaEditor Quite grounded in the humanities, I’m currently very engaged in climate change, education, philosophy, and societal welfare. I share my thoughts through my blogs leoenglishlit and leoencantocultural (in Spanish) and through BTSB.Whenever I have the chance, I practice Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan, play the guitar or go to the gym.

Leonardo Chinchilla

Former editor

Quite grounded in the humanities, I’m currently very engaged in climate change, education, philosophy, and societal welfare. I share my thoughts through my blogs leoenglishlit and leoencantocultural (in Spanish) and through BTSB.

Whenever I have the chance, I practice Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan, play the guitar or go to the gym.

Petteri KonkolaEditorJust a boy from Vantaa. My interests include deep ecology, the classics, and avoiding schoolwork to the best of my ability. Like many other human beings, I firmly believe in truth, justice, and the American way. Currently studyi…

Petteri Konkola

Former editor

Just a boy from Vantaa. My interests include deep ecology, the classics, and avoiding schoolwork to the best of my ability. Like many other human beings, I firmly believe in truth, justice, and the American way. Currently studying English Philology at the University of Helsinki.

Eveliina KammonenEditor@evekammonen I’m a 2019 graduate and thus have joined the old fart side of the BTSB table. I mainly write about all kinds of fascination that happens to tickle my brain at the moment. In my freetime I like to do photography, g…

Eveliina Kammonen

Former editor

I’m a 2019 graduate and thus have joined the old fart side of the BTSB table. I mainly write about all kinds of fascination that happens to tickle my brain at the moment. In my freetime I like to do photography, go on forest adventures, book club with my friends and do dog hobbies with my dog, including (but not limited to) rally obedience, dog shows and geeking over pedigrees. Former SUB social media/information/member registry coordinator (2015-2017).

Milla IhalainenEditorAlong with Chief Editoring at BTSB I occasionally research accent switching in comedy for my Master's thesis and even more occasionally muse about life on my blog. I am unhealthily obsessed with figure skating, which I spend all…

Milla Ihalainen

Former editor

Along with Editoring at BTSB I occasionally research accent switching in comedy for my Master's thesis and even more occasionally muse about life on my blog. I am unhealthily obsessed with figure skating, which I spend all my time, energy and money on. Besides living in the rink myself, I freelance for the Media Team of the International Skating Union, covering the major events of all skating disciplines from Speed Skating to Synchronized Skating on social medias.

Inka VappulaEditorI'm a Master's student in English philology with a penchant for ecocriticism and education. I'm on an endless pursuit for all things authentic, weird and beautiful. I enjoy steep ascents, IPA’s, kitchen experiments and finding a pe…

Inka Vappula

Former editor

I'm a Master's student in English philology with a penchant for ecocriticism and education. I'm on an endless pursuit for all things authentic, weird and beautiful. I enjoy steep ascents, IPA’s, kitchen experiments and finding a perfect winter sweater at a thrift store. For BTSB, I drink coffee with alumni and write about their careers.

Jesper SimolaEditor@thereal_etipi I’m a graduate and resident Old Fart of the BTSB Team. These days, I teach for a living but nevertheless find time to watch horror movies, listen to podcasts, and even socialize. Also, I know way too much about wres…

Jesper Simola

Former editor

I’m a graduate and resident Old Fart of the BTSB Team. These days, I teach for a living but nevertheless find time to watch horror movies, listen to podcasts, and even socialize. Also, I know way too much about wrestling.

Kaisa LeinoEditor@TheKittykitkat Blast from the past! I'm an English philology alumni, who wrote her thesis on visual metaphors in comics. When I'm not writing for BTSB or supporting the editor individuals with fresh blood, I work in a content strategy agency. I also teach the history, theory, and drawing of comics professionally. In conclusion, I'm the ex-editor-in-chief of this paper right here, with strong opinions about the possible relationship between Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy.

Kaisa Leino

Former editor

Blast from the past! I'm an English philology alumni, who wrote her thesis on visual metaphors in comics. When I'm not writing for BTSB or supporting the editor individuals with fresh blood, I work in a content strategy agency. I also teach the history, theory, and drawing of comics professionally. In conclusion, I'm the ex-editor-in-chief of this paper right here, with strong opinions about the possible relationship between Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy.