All in Fiction

Letter to Sebastian Booker

The doctors think I have gone mad, but that is not true at all. My mind is perfectly clear, like a glass roof after rain. I know there is no reasonable explanation for the things happening inside this house. That is why I refuse to speak about them, and C. I do not want to utter her name fully, even on this paper, for I fear it may only attract more things to happen.

That street over there

You know that feeling when something is not quite right? Well, that’s how I’m feeling right now. And to be honest, I’ve been feeling so every time me and my best friend walk past this little street on our way back to the train station.

Walls need friends too  

“Life was quite lonely at first as a wall. Sure, I was accompanied by the specks of dust that hung tightly onto the little mishaps in the paint job, but it wasn't much. They never said anything to me, only focused on tightly holding onto me so that they wouldn't fall down to the floor. I can't quite tell how long I lived like this, nor do I really want to remember it in the first place. You know how awfully lonely being lonely can get, don't you?”


Spring has arrived at last. This winter was longer than those of years long past. This winter was cold and dark. I was alone. I was afraid. But not to worry, spring is here, winter is over. Oh, maybe this year I’ll find a four leaf clover, my dear.

The Worst Unimaginable

Are you in the mood for a short piece of fiction, that’s utterly sarcastic and witty at times? The Worst Unimaginable is a stream of consciousness and semi-narrative palimpsest that will keep you quite entertained.


[Begin apocalypse log #59]
Date = corrupted
Battery = <35%
!!Error = Left limb status non-functional, contact maintenance
Log purpose = “I love the small one for offering mouth storage items to the quiet one. Showcasing human emotion.”
Video = active Sound = active Speech = disabled


She could hear the whistles of the trains coming and going, but the deafening roar of a crowd had not reached her yet. The crisp air around her smelled like the looming winter, but that did not matter to her anymore. She was free at last.