All in Short story

Kibble for Christmas 

I have been staring at them ever since I moved here some time ago, and I still don't have them figured out. I stare at them from across the room, from around the corner, from underneath the chair they're sitting on and, my favourite, from secret hiding places.

Under the Branches

The weather is getting colder and the days darker as winter falls upon us. Why not let Sandra guide you under the branches and through the snow in her peaceful short story, while you’re actually in the comfort of your own home?

Walls need friends too  

“Life was quite lonely at first as a wall. Sure, I was accompanied by the specks of dust that hung tightly onto the little mishaps in the paint job, but it wasn't much. They never said anything to me, only focused on tightly holding onto me so that they wouldn't fall down to the floor. I can't quite tell how long I lived like this, nor do I really want to remember it in the first place. You know how awfully lonely being lonely can get, don't you?”

The Ancient Oaks

“I can’t quite place what it is about autumn that just gets to me every year. The falling leaves, the pumpkin spiced everything, or just the way nature calms down for the winter.”