On June 25th, I cried for solid fifteen minutes after I opened my email and logged into Opintopolku website. There it said, “The University of Helsinki – accepted”.
All in Student life
On June 25th, I cried for solid fifteen minutes after I opened my email and logged into Opintopolku website. There it said, “The University of Helsinki – accepted”.
Meet the new English students! The freshers have answered some questions of ours in this extra special interview and in return asked the BTSB team their own questions about the university life.
Mental health. Yikes. That’s a subject no one wants to discuss in broad daylight. And why? Mostly because it has become a topic in today’s society which is deemed only to be talked about in desperate moments of drunken stupor between faceless individuals.
Reading through the linguistic data on bilingualism during my University years felt like being let in on a big secret that I had known about all along, but only now my eyes were opening to the full truth. I made revelations about my own language use that I had in theory known, but hadn’t been able to formulate in concrete terms.
”Not nervous even in the slightest”, said no one during their first day. I hyperventilated whilst wandering completely lost. Told myself I am a grown, Independent Woman. Do not need to call out for the most Miraculous Saviour of them all (my mum) to survive the grand expectation constructed upon us all - to find the right hall.
Many people think that because they speak English they can also translate. But unlike language professionals, laymen lack a deeper understanding of the culture as well as the language. This is something I bump into all the time.
Dear Freshmen and whoever stumbles upon this magical piece of writing, welcome to the life of the English student. A Freshman's guide by Danielle Amorim and Elina Virva
For the first issue of the fall we decided to visit the wizarding world named you-know-what and show you the loveable features of some of our dear teaching staff. Have fun trying to match these Harry Potter characters with the actual professors behind the aliases!
Written by Danielle Amorim & Elina Virva
Why can we still not bring up a mental illness in a discussion without most participants of the conversation being uncomfortable with the topic? Why can we not tell our bosses that the reason we cannot do more than two shifts a week is that our depression takes up all our energy? Why is it acceptable to talk to anyone about injured legs and heart surgeries but not about our bipolar minds?