All in Fiction

I distantly registered the pastor speaking. I’m sure he was telling everyone present how good of a person my mother was. Had been. He went through the typical stuff people get graced with when they die. I thought it was nonsensical. Everyone here loved my mother, that’s the reason they were here mourning her in the first place.

Based on a True Story...But Who Cares?

The Conjuring films are, first and foremost, horror films. They are not documentaries and are not obliged to cover all of the facts even if they are “based on a true story.” Although these movies are based on supposedly real hauntings, their goal isn’t to give you both sides of the tale. Their goal is to scare the living daylights out of you and they’re really good at doing that.

I’m not sure where I am. If this sign is any indication, I must be close to the test fields, but I have no idea how I got here. To be quite honest I’m not even sure who I am, but that one I think I’d like to keep to myself.