All tagged cats

Kibble for Christmas 

I have been staring at them ever since I moved here some time ago, and I still don't have them figured out. I stare at them from across the room, from around the corner, from underneath the chair they're sitting on and, my favourite, from secret hiding places.

Quick, which is more nuts, a picture of a Santa cat waving a baby Jesus cat at three kittens who are more interested in some kind of perfectly circular ham on a table in the bushes, or a vegetal fractal cat? Yeah, I don't know either.

Faking it at the Cat Cafe

The cafe opened their doors early. As I waited to pay the five euro entrance fee, a low, assertive meow sounded right next to my ear. A large, black manx stared at me from an eye-level shelf. The cat made unblinking eye contact and meowed again, letting me know whose house I was in. "Hi," I replied. The cat stared, a perfectly round, perfectly still ball of self-possession. I knew I'd come to the right place.