beauty /ˈbjuːti/
a combination of qualities, such as shape, colour, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight.
All tagged emotions
beauty /ˈbjuːti/
a combination of qualities, such as shape, colour, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight.
Emotional vulnerability. Is that something I’m even allowed to discuss in a Finnish magazine? Allowed or not, here we go. An important lesson that I think we could all take from 3-year-olds.
I think of you
as the memory of our love
shatters like a ceramic plate, suddenly
For our latest issue Elina composed a poem titled “These Words Are Not Mine”, Hanna takes a stab at Marvel films and Petteri provides an interesting commentary on Shakespeare’s “Timon of Athens”. Anthony gifts us with yet another fantastic short story and Teemu reflects on his recent trip to a longboard dancing competition. Jesper admits to being wrong about Game of Thrones and I interview content coordinator Kaisa Leino. On behalf of the whole editorial staff, I wish you enjoyable reading moments!
I needed It to stay away. I was so scared of It coming back. I’d kept It away by thinking of happy times and happy moments. Each one gave me only so much time. It ate away at my joyous memories and eventually burned through them like fuel. But I knew. There was one place, with memories too good, a place where every room rang with laughter and held the warmth of sun rays in the floor, a place where I had always been happy.