With Father’s Day right around the corner, most people are taking the time to find gifts, booking restaurants and planning fun activities to celebrate. But alas, the day is not quite as joyous for all of us….
All in Life
With Father’s Day right around the corner, most people are taking the time to find gifts, booking restaurants and planning fun activities to celebrate. But alas, the day is not quite as joyous for all of us….
The funny thing about life is that no matter how earth-shattering, uplifting or soul-crushing your day has been, the hours still keep ticking by.
Heartbreak, healing, friendship and laughter. This is a story about coming of age with love.
Friendships come in all shapes and sizes. Some friendships last long, others don’t. Sometimes friends have a lot in common, sometimes they do not. Here’s what Sini has to say on the different friendships she has formed in her life.
Fed up with love, friendship and life in general? Not really feeling this whole Valentine’s day thing? Don’t worry, Robi’s got you covered.
Do you know the feeling when everything is just so much, and you don’t quite know what to do or where to go to alleviate that feeling? That has been me for a while. The feeling comes and goes, quite like autumn and spring, sometimes just crushing on you like the heavy rains of October and then suddenly vanishing away, much like spring here in Finland comes and banishes winter in the span of two weeks.
It goes without saying that you don’t need to be perfect. However, sometimes it takes more than a bland reassurance to make you feel at least a bit better. If you’re looking for some concrete ideas and thoughts to latch on when you start feeling less than stellar, take a page out of my uneducated and unsolicited advice book, and try out one or two of these tricks.
My safe place is an old, red house with a big garden. The window frames are white, a striking contrast with the deep, rusty red of the walls. The large front door is open, welcoming all tired wanderers. You might notice the faint smell of a home-cooked meal wafting through the halls and out the door.
Have you ever, after exasperatedly venting your shit show of a day to your colleague or friend or even family member, received a response that went something along the lines of – “look for the silver lining!” or “It could always be worse, there are people much worse off than you”, or my personal favorite “You need to stop being so negative, think positive for a change!”?