Have you ever felt like you’d just love to do something creative? You’d love to express yourself through something artistic… but you’re unsure. You don’t feel good enough. Well, how about you give this text a read first?
All in Opinion
Have you ever felt like you’d just love to do something creative? You’d love to express yourself through something artistic… but you’re unsure. You don’t feel good enough. Well, how about you give this text a read first?
We all remember when Valentine’s day started to mean something, right? But what if some of us just want to chill out and play video games instead? Can you relate? If so, check out what Annika has to say.
The holiday season has arrived once again, and while it usually is a joyous thing, for some of us it may be a hassle. In this article Robi will give you some advice on how to handle the holidays and the stress they may cause.
Sexy nurse, sexy nun, sexy Death… The ridiculousness of the selection of Halloween costumes for women would be funny if it wasn’t so frustrating and sexism such a serious problem.
Have you ever, after exasperatedly venting your shit show of a day to your colleague or friend or even family member, received a response that went something along the lines of – “look for the silver lining!” or “It could always be worse, there are people much worse off than you”, or my personal favorite “You need to stop being so negative, think positive for a change!”?
So, it’s finally been a year of COVID. We asked SUBers how COVID-19 has affected their general well-being and financial status, and whether or not they felt the university or the government had taken enough action and given enough support for students during this time.
What is so wrong with romance? Dive in this read to get to the answer to what counts as romance and what to do with this often mixed-feeling rejection and obsession with this genre.
Are you wondering what is it like to start off your studies in a year like 2020? Wonder no more! Read on to know what’s in the mind of some freshers this year!
Few of us truly hate attention, but sometimes the feeling of being seen and watched can be overwhelming. A personal account of being self-conscious, how stressful it can be at times, and how it slowly gets better.