Silent Blue

“Before I could guess what he was about to do, he got down on one knee to propose—what? Stop looking at me like that. I mean, it can’t come off as much of a shock! It was, after all, a game of surprises. Sure, he didn’t have a ring, and at the time of inebriation I couldn’t really recall his name… but what a surprise it was!”

5 Steps To Better Work-Life Balance

Most of us are busy multitaskers nowadays, with at least studies and work constantly overlapping and demanding our attention, and with not much room left for free-time activities such as hobbies, social life, and rest. This article gives you some tips on how to get started on finding that sought-after balance.


“I don’t want to talk about the quarantine right now. I don’t want to remember that we’re all stuck inside holding our breath…” This brief essay turns the current global atmosphere into a positive one by reminding us how far we’ve come today. Make a perspective shift; read on!