Walls need friends too  

“Life was quite lonely at first as a wall. Sure, I was accompanied by the specks of dust that hung tightly onto the little mishaps in the paint job, but it wasn't much. They never said anything to me, only focused on tightly holding onto me so that they wouldn't fall down to the floor. I can't quite tell how long I lived like this, nor do I really want to remember it in the first place. You know how awfully lonely being lonely can get, don't you?”

Autumn has fallen again

Do you know the feeling when everything is just so much, and you don’t quite know what to do or where to go to alleviate that feeling? That has been me for a while. The feeling comes and goes, quite like autumn and spring, sometimes just crushing on you like the heavy rains of October and then suddenly vanishing away, much like spring here in Finland comes and banishes winter in the span of two weeks.

The Ancient Oaks

“I can’t quite place what it is about autumn that just gets to me every year. The falling leaves, the pumpkin spiced everything, or just the way nature calms down for the winter.”

Toxic Positivity

Positivity can turn toxic very, very fast. Sooner than you’d think. At first, it’s the “everything happens for a reason”, then it’s the “others have it much worse off than I do” and eventually the “let’s not think about that, it doesn’t matter, it’s all in my head, I’m fine”.