All in Chief Editor's Note

Chief Editor's Note: The Dangers of Treating Bullet Holes with Band-Aids

Have you ever, after exasperatedly venting your shit show of a day to your colleague or friend or even family member, received a response that went something along the lines of – “look for the silver lining!” or “It could always be worse, there are people much worse off than you”, or my personal favorite “You need to stop being so negative, think positive for a change!”?

Chief Editor's Note: We Need People Who Write Musicals About Rats Who Love to Cook

Alright, jobs. Careers. Adulting. Suit and ties and briefcases, stethoscopes and rulers and corporate management human resources services on the 27th floor…This year has been an absolute shitshow, but it has forced us as a society to categorize between essential and non-essential jobs and workers. The jobs that are necessary for our everyday lives to go on as normal as possible, the jobs that are of utmost worth.