A Peculiar Song List for a Never-Before-Seen Christmas

A Peculiar Song List for a Never-Before-Seen Christmas

It’s 4 in the morning. I have been procrastinating on schoolwork so much that now it is taking a toll on my sleep schedule, which is totally messed up. So, I decide to make myself another cup of coffee, hoping it will keep me sane enough to finish my assignment. As I wait for every droplet of coffee to drip through the filter, I look out my kitchen windows and once again get drawn by the twinkling Christmas lights on the windows of the opposite apartment building. Those lights were my biggest motivation to study and work last year as it was my first Christmas in a foreign country. My first Christmas in Finland - the land of Santa Claus! It was even more exciting because I had made travel plans with my best friend for Christmas and the New Year holiday. But those mesmerizing lights have lost their magic this year. 2020 has been pretty much doomed by the coronavirus. To be fair, there are other things going on in my life as well, but COVID-19 has really exacerbated all my struggles. The lights still remind me of Christmas, yet I cannot help but feel unmotivated to do literally everything and uncertain about the upcoming festive season.

This Christmas, I have no plans except for getting prepared to spend Christmas social distancing. Determined to not get defeated by the Coronavirus, I have learned how to make glögi. With the help of my Finnish flatmate, my apartment is now lightened up with beautiful string lights and a beautiful Christmas tree. The next thing I need to do is creating a Christmas playlist. Carry on reading this small written piece of rambling if you are looking for song suggestions to celebrate Christmas, 2020 style.

Suddenly, it occurs to me that I have never created one single Christmas playlist before in my life. I don’t think I have ever jammed to Christmas songs at home. I realize that I have always preferred to listen to Christmas songs when I go out and immerse myself in the festive atmosphere on the streets. Perhaps it has become a rule of thumb for me to listen to songs like Feliz Navidad in a crowd of people. I guess it makes sense because listening to Christmas songs is much more fun with company. This reminds me of last year's Christmas gathering with the lecturers in my university English Department and fellow students. We met up in the “Aquarium” on the 6th floor of Metsätalo, ate tasty Christmas pastries, drank glögi, and sang Finnish Christmas songs together. At first, it was quite nerve-wrecking for me because I come from a culture with a teacher-student hierarchy. Thanks to my dear teachers, who were kind enough to prepare English lyrics of the songs for us, I could quickly relax and sing along. One of my favorite songs from that night is Joulupuu on rakennettu. It is said to be the most popular Christmas carol in Finland. Its happy tunes will get you on your feet dancing like a happy child. Every time I listen to this song, I feel like I could travel back in time to that day in the “Aquarium”, shyly singing along with my teachers. If you look up “Joulupuu on rakennettu” on the Internet, you can easily find some English lyrics of the song. But in case you are looking for something unique, I have been allowed to share the ones written by Mary Hatakka - a former lecturer in the English Department of the University of Helsinki:

Now our Christmas tree is ready,
Christmas day will soon be here.
Every branch is hung with goodies,
Bringing joy and Christmas cheer.

All the candles brightly shining
Sparkle with our Christmas glee,
Round the tree the children singing
Carols echo merrily. 

Thank you, Jesus our Redeemer,
You came down from heaven above;
The best gift of every Christmas
Is the blessing of your love. 

The next song will take you to Oxford street in England, which is known to be one of the most beautiful places on Earth at Christmas time. It is Christmas Lights by Coldplay. This is one of my most favorite Christmas songs of all time though it’s not very Christmasy in a traditional sense. Christmas’s day is essentially just another day in our lives. On any day, there may be some ups and downs because that is the way of life. Christmas is different because it can be used as a reason to put on our best smiles, to celebrate, to shop like we’re rich, or in this song’s case - to hope. The meaning of the Christmas lights in Coldplay’s song is similar to the ones across my windows. To other people walking on Oxford street, those Christmas lights bring joy and happiness. But to the man in the song, they remind him of the fight he’s had with his lover, of the fact that they are no longer together when it should be the opposite. Still, as they are Christmas lights, they are the lights of hope for him. Despite everything, he is hoping for love, wandering along Oxford street all by himself on Christmas night.


Carol of the Bells by Trans-Siberian Orchestra is another very unconventional Christmas song that I have found. I was so impressed the first time I listened to this song because of its rock elements. Five years old me would skip this song for Jingle Bells, but the present me will nod my head to its melody like I want to break my neck. To put it another way, I have learned that Christmas has several aspects, just like everything in life. Add this song to your Christmas playlist if you want to spice up the jolly atmosphere. Who knows, you may agree with this comment on YouTube: “This song makes me want to fight a bunch of pirates on a flying ship in order to save Christmas”.

My final song recommendation is Underneath the tree by Kelly Clarkson. It’s a song that celebrates two of the best things in this world: Christmas and love. Kelly’s powerful vocals and the song’s upbeat tunes will lift your spirits high. You could also use this song as a subtle and very cute way to show how much you appreciate your significant other! And with this, I end my list of song recommendation. There is a song for those with an inner child in their hearts, one for the brokenhearted, one for the “Christmas pirates”, and one for the lucky ones who found love. Merry Christmas! And stay safe!



Photograph (Drawing) by Phuong Truong

The Little Things

The Little Things

