Julia Quinn’s novel series Bridgerton has gained a lot of attention lately, especially thanks to the Netflix show. But are the books any good? Here’s Emilia’s ranking of all 8 novels for all your melodramatic romance needs.
All tagged literature
Julia Quinn’s novel series Bridgerton has gained a lot of attention lately, especially thanks to the Netflix show. But are the books any good? Here’s Emilia’s ranking of all 8 novels for all your melodramatic romance needs.
For the love of literature, read this! Now, I understand that to some this might seem ludicrous, and there might be an impulse to call me crazy, which is fair enough, but I for one am convinced this is on the saner side of statements I have made.
In this essay, I study the differences and similarities in the use of fantastic elements in Washington Irving’s short stories ‘The Legend of Sleepy Hollow’ (1820) and ‘Rip Van Winkle’ (1819) and James Hogg’s short stories ‘The Brownie of the Black Haggs‘ (1828), ‘The Mysterious Bride’ (1830) and ‘Seeking the Houdy’ (1830).
Some places just smell like the pages of our books, don’t they? Some of them trigger that “that’s what s/he meant” moment in our lives. Whether through a sudden realization or by actively bringing an author in mind when looking at a landscape, we think of links between what we read and what we see when we are in nature. Read about tourism, literature, and sustainability!
The Re-viewed series is dedicated to reviewing cultural products rewatched, relistened or reread, and with this article, the series really lives up to its name; I have seen three versions of the story of A Man Called Ove. But what makes this story different and worth re-experiencing so many times, then?