All in Chief Editor's Note
We all worry about imperfections & the effects they can have on our beauty. But what if our imperfections actually create beauty instead of destroying it? In this Chief Editor’s Note, I share my own thoughts about imperfections & how much more special they make us.
Valentine’s Day is all about love towards others, but what about love towards your own skin and bones? Here are some of my thoughts on body image and feelings related to that.
Most people look forward to Christmas. For many, it’s a time of celebration and getting the family back together. Yet there are plenty to whom this holiday feels like a burden to. In the last chief editor’s note of the year, I share some of my thoughts on this seasonal topic.
Writing in and of itself can be tricky, but what about writing characters? Coming up with descriptions, characteristics and forming their identity. Our chief editor Anceliga has some thoughts about this.
Aspiring to be perfect is all fun and games. Or is it? In my first ever chief editor’s note I discuss my thoughts about perfectionism and what I’ve learned from it.
What’s the difference between art and crafts? Is there one? Here are my two cents on the value that we put on things we create.
For the love of literature, read this! Now, I understand that to some this might seem ludicrous, and there might be an impulse to call me crazy, which is fair enough, but I for one am convinced this is on the saner side of statements I have made.
Student magazines give people a chance to practice their writing, speak their mind and share their creative works. The cuts to student magazine subsidies that HYY is considering feel unfair when student magazines are such an important part in many students’ lives.