Organisation Ribbons

Organisation Ribbons

Academic traditions are an important part of the university community, creating a feeling of togetherness and belonging. One of these traditions are the organization ribbons. In the academic world using different kind of ribbons indicate belonging to an organisation or a group. I’m going to go over how and where to use your ribbon once you get SUB’s very own ribbon!

Organisation ribbon should be used in more formal settings like annual balls and other official celebrations, when wearing a dark suit or a dark gown. If the invitation has a mention of academic decorations in the dress code, then it is the right place to wear the ribbon. There is three possible ways to wear the ribbon.

First one is as a ribbon from your right, over your shoulder and over your chest going down on the left.

The second one is basically the same, but from over your left shoulder, over your chest and down on your right side.

The third way to use the ribbon is as a rosette on the left side of your mantle, over your heart.

Here’s picture and step by step guide of every phase on how to make the rosette.


1. First you need a 45 cm piece of the ribbon.

2. Fold 5 cm of the ribbon from the left, under the ribbon

3. Fold the ribbon from the right to left in a way that the mid-section is about 9 cm, this will be the width of the final rosette

4. Fold the ribbon again, but from left to right in a way that the difference between the bottom fold and the topmost fold is roughly 1,5 cm

5. Again fold to the left, so that the difference between the bottom and top is 1,5 cm

6. Turn the end of the ribbon up

7. Fold the end of the ribbon from under the rosette

8. Fold the end of the ribbon over the rosette

9. Fold the rosette and pin the end of the ribbon to the backside with a safety pin or sew it with a needle and thread

10. Your rosette is done!


The ribbon and the ribbon as a rosette should be clasped with a safety pin or with a needle and a thread. You can choose which you feel suits you better and use it. No matter if you are a fresher, researcher or alumni, you can wear yours in any formal events. Follow SUB Ry on social media for their sales or contact them about getting yours!

Photos by Markus Kuusinen

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