SUB's Board Friend Book

SUB's Board Friend Book

BTSB has had the privilege to get their hands on the friend book of the SUB board 2020! So, let’s get to know the board a little better! There were three pages ripped form the book so, three board members will stay as a mystery.


gossiping living soul

SUB Board Friend Book.jpeg

Name: Sofia Aalto
Position in SUB: President
Hair colour: Blonde/orange
Eye colour: Blue
Distinctive features: Tall, colourful hair, glasses, piercings and tattoos

Something that I really enjoy: Live music
I admire: Cara Delevingne
My biggest dream: To visit all continents 

What is HOT: Courtesy
What is NOT: Stupid people 

For last meal I’d have: Salmon, broccoli and mashed potatoes
This year I’m going to: Start my MA thesis

Name: Senni
Position in SUB: Vice President

Hair colour: Brown
Eye colour: Hazel brown
Distinctive features: My height and my laugh

Something that I really enjoy: Falling asleep in crispy clean bed sheets
I admire: Strong women
My biggest dream: To be happy and content with whatever life brings me, and also owning lots of pets like frogs, rats and dogs

What is HOT: Compassion
What is NOT: Hatred

For last meal I’d have: A lot of Sushi
This year I’m going to: Continue to grow as a person 🤙🏻

Name: Eeti Huikku
Position in SUB: Equality and environment coordinator

Hair colour: Blackish blue
Eye colour: Brown
Distinctive features: I just look very gay I guess

Something that I really enjoy: Baking
I admire: Activists
My biggest dream: Doing something impactful with this existence thing

What is HOT: Social justice
What is NOT: Bigotry

For last meal I’d have: Sushi, probably
This year I’m going to: Hopefully pass all my courses

Name: Sara
Position in SUB: Secretary + Freshers & Tutors coordinator

Hair colour: blonde
Eye colour: kinda greenish, I guess
Distinctive features: I’m quite normal looking, but I usually wear a band shirt and talk quite a lot

Something that I really enjoy: seeing my favourite bands live
I admire: people who are okay with themselves completely and show their true selves to others too
My biggest dream: to be a person I admire 😛

What is HOT: you!
What is NOT: bringing other people down

For last meal I’d have: A good makaronilaatikko made with processed cheese. And peas on the side. And chocolate ice cream for dessert.
This year I’m going to: try to study as much as I can, and try to tell people who deserve it how much I appreciate them

Name: Joonas Åkerblom
Position in SUB: Freshers & tutors coordinator, international studies representative

Hair colour: dark brown
Eye colour: greyish blue
Distinctive features: none I guess...?

Something that I really enjoy: playing videogames with my friends
I admire: honesty!
My biggest dream: I’m not a big dreamer, I only wish to remain pleased with where I am in life

What is HOT: helping others!
What is NOT: pushing someone else down to build yourself up

For last meal I’d have: a stack of battered steaks, onion rings and crepes for dessert 
This year I’m going to: try to improve as a person in different ways, create a proper study routine and get as much done as possible!

Name: Julia (spelled with one u and pronounced with two, a very important side note)
Position in SUB: Treasurer, Event Coordinator

Hair colour: Brown
Eye colour: Blue
Distinctive features: I’m always wearing something green. Seriously, 80% of my wardrobe is just different shades of green. It takes me significant amount of time not to look like a total goblin every time I leave the house.

Something that I really enjoy: Forest walks and true crime podcasts. Preferably at the same time.
I admire: My mum
My biggest dream: Become very rich so I can provide for my future dogs and get my own little cottage in the woods.

What is HOT: All the book stores having their winter sales at the same time.
What is NOT: Me being poor.

For last meal I’d have: Deep-fried whatever and margaritas.
This year I’m going to: Buy less plants and instead try to keep the ones I already have alive.

Name: Essi
Position in SUB: Event coordinator
Hair colour: Blonde
Eye colour: Blue
Distinctive features: My eyes look cool, I’ve heard

Something that I really enjoy: tv-shows
I admire: people who are true to themselves
My biggest dream: idk, stability?

What is HOT: taking care of your mental health
What is NOT: procrastination (guilty)

For last meal I’d have: pizza probably
This year I’m going to: finish my bachelor’s

Name: Jenni Lindberg
Position in SUB: Event coordinator
Hair colour: Brown
Eye colour: Brown
Distinctive features: black clothing

Something that I really enjoy: bound (1996) dir. lana and lilly wachowski
I admire: Lisa Simpson
My biggest dream: that one dream where all my teeth fall out — you know the one

What is HOT: mannequin pussy
What is NOT: the parasitic music industry

For last meal I’d have: two bottles of sacramental wine
This year I’m going to: vibe

Name: Olivia Mujunen
Position in SUB: Event coordinator

Hair colour: Brown
Eye colour: A wierd mix between brown, green and blue
Distinctive features: the eccessive use of the word 'sos'

Something that I really enjoy: Cooking
I admire: Anyone being their unapologetic self
My biggest dream: To be a published author

What is HOT: The planet because of global warming
What is NOT: Pineapple on pizza

For last meal I’d have: Fried calamari and a strawberry smoothie
This year I’m going to: travel a lot

Name: Leo
Position in SUB: Culture rep

Hair colour: Blond
Eye colour: Blue
Distinctive features: Slight heterochromia in my eyes

Something that I really enjoy: Music in most forms
I admire: Creativity
My biggest dream: To create something unique 

What is HOT: Blast beats
What is NOT: Trap beats

For last meal I’d have: Sushi maybe…?
This year I’m going to: get my bachelor’s degree (finally)

Name: Henna
Position in SUB: Culture and Working life coordinator.

Hair colour: Caramelish-red?
Eye colour: Sometimes green and sometimes grey or blue.

Distinctive features: I always wear headphones and almost always lipstick.
Something that I really enjoy: True crime podcasts. And books and Netflix.

I admire: My three younger siblings <3
My biggest dream: At the moment? To graduate.

What is HOT: Collarbones.
What is NOT: Feet. And not respecting others.

For last meal I’d have: Tofu coconut korma, a glass of red and for dessert some whiskey.
This year I’m going to: Trying to be less anxious and continue to be happy.

Name: Sampsa Granström
Position in SUB: Study and worklife co-ordinator, grand OLD man

Hair colour: Brown
Eye colour: Blue/Grey
Distinctive features: Curly hair often tired 

Something that I really enjoy: Cooking and Comics
I admire: Big hearts and the inability to see anything as impossible.
My biggest dream: To graduate and see that everything will actually turn out just fine.

What is HOT: Snowy winters
What is NOT: Wet, grey winters that feel like perpetual october that eats away at your soul.

For last meal I’d have: A really nice steak with asparragus and bearnaise sauce with a really nice red wine and afterwards a Lagavulin 30 year old whiskey.
This year I’m going to: Live, thrive and survive.

My name: Alice Lindström
Position in Sub: Social media & Information Coordinator

Hair colour: Blonde
Eye colour: BLue
Distinctive features: A scar on my left eyelid and also on my right cheekbone both gotten in childhood adventures

What I enjoy: Puzzles!!
Who I admire: Anyone who's good at school
My biggest dream: To own a house by the sea

What's HOT: Dua Lipa
What's NOT: Tunafish

This year I'm going to: Bali!! But also not going to die of stress

Name: Saana
Positions in SUB: Webmaster & Media Unit team lead, Studies rep. and head of the Arts & Crafts club

Hair colour: Black (what roots, what do you mean?)
Eye colour: Blye-grey with some brown
Distinctive features: Uhh, only ever wear black, sporting some proper tattoos on my left arm and gotta say it, very overweight. :3 Easy to spot!

Something that I really enjoy: Reading, scritchy-scratching dogs, all things dark and grotesque (including but not limited to true crime, cults, abandoned places, ghost stories, metal music). Also video games.
I admire: Anyone who can set a goal and then accomplish it, through hard work or sheer luck, I don't care. Good on you.
My biggest dream: One day at a time!

What is HOT: Watercolor, learning to sew, Native American authors, nosework with puppo
What is NOT: Strong opinions thoughtlessly thrown around like you just don't care, cleaning

For last meal I’d have: Dr. Oetker's Quattro Formaggi pizza, half a wheel of leipäjuusto and a pint of mint-chocolate ice cream.
This year I’m going to: Start a billion projects, maybe finish one or two.

Name: Julia Lamberg
Position in SUB: Freshers and Tutors

Hair colour: brown-ish?
Eye colour: green-ish?
Distinctive features: looking like an 8 year old boy

Something that I really enjoy: warmth
I admire: my mom
My biggest dream: world peace and a chill weekend

What is HOT: the sun
What is NOT:  Trump

For last meal I’d have: potatoes
This year I’m going to: bleach my eyebrows

Name: Ville-Veikko Mäkelä
Position in SUB: Merchandise Coordinator

Hair colour: Dark brown
Eye colour: Greenish blue
Distinctive features: Never relenting poker face.

Something that I really enjoy: Falling asleep to informative Youtube-videos (and forgetting all about them).
I admire: People with original ideas. Good speakers.
My biggest dream: Making the world more efficient in some way.

What is HOT: Times New Roman
What is NOT: Cakes

For last meal I’d have: Lasagna and Coke
This year I’m going to: Enjoy the sun

Name: Tuomas Mäenpää
Position in SUB: Officer in studies, work life and sports

Hair colour: Medium brown
Eye colour: Green/Blue/Gray
Distinctive features: I don’t know 😀 Small ears, dark eyebrows and a beard maybe

Something that I really enjoy: Football and Music
I admire: People who have been at the bottom and risen to the top
My biggest dream: Atm just to get a good job after I graduate

What is HOT: Football and rock music (never goes out of fashion, right?)
What is NOT: Selfish and negative people (never in fashion!)

For last meal I’d have: Pizza napoletana
This year I’m going to: Graduate from Uni!

Name: Maarika
Position in SUB: general official

Hair colour: light brown
Eye colour: blue
Distinctive features: the same old grey Kånken that I take everywhere

Something that I really enjoy: baking vegan goodies!
I admire: my great-grandmother who lived up to 100 years
My biggest dream: is to do work that makes me happy and have free time that makes me even happier

What is HOT: saying nice things to people
What is NOT: …saying them to get something from them

For last meal I’d have: probably something like nachos supreme
This year I’m going to: learn how to develop photographs

Name: Anthony Herman
Position in SUB: Cultural Cleric

Hair colour: Brown
Eye colour: Brown
Distinctive features: Really tall. Like, really really tall.

Something that I really enjoy: reading and writing 🙂
I admire: My gay playwright icons Edward Albee and Tennessee Williams
My biggest dream: I wish to become a successful author/playwright

What is HOT: James Joyce
What is NOT: Also James Joyce

For last meal I’d have: A pasta carbonara so rich that it would kill me before the electric chair does.
This year I’m going to: Direct my short play 😁

Name: Iina
Position in SUB: media official

Hair colour: blonde-ish
Eye colour: blue
Distinctive features: glasses, they're glued to my face

Something that I really enjoy: being a human burrito while watching Netflix
I admire: people who dare to do what they love
My biggest dream: to be a mom

What is HOT: staying in your lane
What is NOT: always finding the negative side of a situation 

For last meal I’d have: anything made out of potatoes
This year I’m going to: drink tea and read books

Name: Sini
Position in SUB: Events and social media cleric

Hair colour: Ever changing 
Eye colour: Bluish green
Distinctive features: I’m a loudmouth, I have way too many opinions 😊also a bad case of resting bitch face

Something that I really enjoy:  Horror movies are the best comedies
I admire: People who push their own boundaries and work towards their goals, whatever they might be.
My biggest dream: I want to be a trophy wife in a loveless marriage

What is HOT: Self-confidence
What is NOT: People who do not respect others

For last meal I’d have: 1$ ramen in Tokyo, like I’d eat meat again just for that
This year I’m going to: Survive

Name: Juuso Lehtinen
Position in SUB: general official

Hair colour: brown
Eye colour: some shade of blue
Distinctive features: desperately trying to grow a decent moustache, glasses

Something that I really enjoy: sleep in moderate doses
I admire: my mental fortitude
My biggest dream: Graduating.

What is HOT: success in life
What is NOT: KIK-401 lectures (rest in peace)

For last meal I’d have: Hopefully not the cause of my death
This year I’m going to: enjoy life



Today’s Special Menu: FOODLOSOPHY with International Flavors

Today’s Special Menu: FOODLOSOPHY with International Flavors