All tagged advice

A beginner cosplayer's tips and tricks

No matter what people say about how you should start hobbies early or perish or whatever, the truth is that it’s never too late to start a hobby or pursuit, and you should always be allowed to do it your way! So, in that spirit, to any fellow cosplay enthusiasts spreading their wings or cautiously entertaining the possibility, here’s some advice, tips, reminders and observations I’ve made about cosplaying, from one beginner to another.

Getting Through the Holidays

The holiday season has arrived once again, and while it usually is a joyous thing, for some of us it may be a hassle. In this article Robi will give you some advice on how to handle the holidays and the stress they may cause.

It goes without saying that you don’t need to be perfect. However, sometimes it takes more than a bland reassurance to make you feel at least a bit better. If you’re looking for some concrete ideas and thoughts to latch on when you start feeling less than stellar, take a page out of my uneducated and unsolicited advice book, and try out one or two of these tricks.

Transitioning into student life hasn’t been all sleek and smooth. It has felt similar to re-learning snowboarding every winter. My sedentary triceps burn and ache from continuously having to push myself back up, I have an impressive array of multicolored and shaped bruises and I can’t sit without howling in pain. Yet I’m beaming because nothing beats the joy of getting down that terrifying hill of ice in one piece.